There are plenty of non-negotiables when deciding what you’re taking to college.

  • Cell phone
  • Laptop/charger
  • School supplies
  • Gaming systems
  • Dorm room décor
  • Coolest clothes

But what about your car? Should your vehicle make the trip with you on this next adventure? There is a lot to consider when making the decision to take your car to college! First and foremost: Does my university allow vehicles on campus? 

Once you’ve established that, in fact, your car is as welcome as you are on campus, then there are a few more factors to taking into consideration before making a final decision. Does my college offer an on-campus transportation system or is public transportation available? 

Of course, your LOF-Xpress™ Green Team is here to help sort through this big decision! Let us break down a few of the pros and cons to having a car to care for on campus:

Good news first.


  • No finding or waiting on rides
  • Easy commuting to and from home during breaks & on weekends
  • ROAD TRIPS with friends
  • Opens up opportunities for employment off campus
  • Independence. 

Reality check time.


  • Cost of parking can be expensive
  • Weather – will you have to worry about hail? Snow?
  • Feelings of obligation to help out friends with transportation
  • Service and maintenance costs

Should you choose to bring your car to college, LOF-Xpress™ would be honored to be your oil change “home” away from home. We are dedicated to top-notch and efficient (3-5 minutes!) car care and make routine maintenance easy, with timely service reminders. Here’s what a stop at one of our 2 locations looks like.

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There is a lot to worry about at college (grades, friends, jobs, & money!), but car care should never be one of them.